Fort Foote Rodman Guns

Discover Fort Foote Rodman Guns in Fort Washington, Maryland: A mammoth pair of Civil War artillery guns abandoned out in the forest.

Wall of Bottles

Discover Wall of Bottles in Silver City, New Mexico: A head-high wall constructed of thousands of wine and other bottles held together by stucco.

Callejon de Hamel

Discover Callejon de Hamel in Havana, Cuba: A colorful narrow alley in Cuba is full of street art and sculptures made of found objects.

Huánuco Pampa

Discover Huánuco Pampa in Provincia de Dos de Mayo, Peru: This remarkably well-preserved Incan city managed to survive the conquistadores.

Tallest Wooden Pinocchio in the World

Discover Tallest Wooden Pinocchio in the World in Collodi, Italy: The towering Pinocchio stands 63 feet tall in the Italian village his creator frequented as a child.

A Cave Shrouded In Mystery

Discover Caynton Caves in Shrewsbury, England: This mysterious underground cave in Shropshire dates back to the 18th or 19th century.

‘Unsinkable’ Molly Brown House

Discover 'Unsinkable' Molly Brown House in Denver, Colorado: One of the greatest heroes of the Titanic tragedy came from humble beginnings to this beautiful home.

The Queen’s Swans at Windsor

Discover The Queen's Swans at Windsor in Windsor, England: All unmarked mute swans on the Thames are owned by the Queen per a tradition that began in the 12th century.

The Long Man of Wilmington

Discover The Long Man of Wilmington in Wilmington, England: This giant geoglyph of mysterious origins is now the site of neo-pagan rituals.

Hamburg Paper Mill Ruins

Discover Hamburg Paper Mill Ruins in Hamburg, New Jersey: Tucked behind New Jersey's abandoned Gingerbread Castle lie the eerie ruins of a once-flourishing paper mill.


To represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
To exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design.
To bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared.
To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history.
To be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals.
To be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change.
To be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria).
To contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
To be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features.
To contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.