The Frost Bank Tower's architecture is a real hoot.
Year: 2017
Old Japanese Jail
Discover Old Japanese Jail in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands: This jail once controlled by the Japanese military now sits abandoned on a remote Pacific island.
The Prophet Samuel’s Tomb Is a Holy Site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians
The tomb is in a synagogue below a mosque built on the ruins of a Crusader-era church.
The Alaskan Street Where Each House Has an Airplane Hangar
This suburban street in Anchorage doubles as a runway.
The World’s Longest Minefield
A fortified sand wall lined with millions of landmines divides the contested territory of Western sahara.
Crown Heights Cheese Caves
Underground vaults of a former brewery in Brooklyn are now used to ripen cheese.
The World of Puppets Museum
Discover The World of Puppets Museum in Salzburg, Austria: A small marionette collection located within the dark cellars of an 11th-century Austrian castle.
Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!
Discover Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! in Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!, Québec: The only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name.
The Mayflower Pub
It overlooks where the Mayflower was originally moored.
The Ruins of Cleveland’s Only Suspension Bridge
Discover Sidaway Bridge in Cleveland, Ohio: The ruins of the suspension bridge hang over Kingsbury Run as a ghost of racial prejudice.
Breckenridge Snow Sculptures
Discover Breckenridge Snow Sculptures in Breckenridge, Colorado: Each year, teams of the world's best snow sculptors have 65 hours to create their frozen masterpieces.
The Most Accurate Timepiece in the World
Even if you've never heard of it, chances are that you use its data throughout the day.
The U.S. Capitol’s Great Wall of Bollards
Discover Capitol Bollards in Washington, D.C.: The 5.5-mile ring of steel posts around the Capitol Building is one of the largest (and most uniform) of its kind in the world.
Czechia’s Secret, Soviet Radio Tower
It was left out of or misrepresented on many maps, making it fairly inaccessible until the Velvet Revolution.
Dairy Queen Apollo Capsule
Discover Dairy Queen Apollo Capsule in Franklin, Pennsylvania: Priceless space junk on display in front of a local Dairy Queen.
Murdering Lane and Cutthroat Lane
Discover Murdering Lane and Cutthroat Lane in Dublin, Ireland: Though they've since been renamed, these two streets hint at Dublin's darker days.
George Washington’s (Empty) Tomb at the Center of D.C.
A little marble compass marks the spot at the exact middle of the city.
Inside the Wacky World of Washington, D.C.’s Barbie Pond
A rotating cast of guys and dolls mysteriously appear outside a Logan Circle building.
A Striking Yugoslav Memorial to Serbia’s Anti-Nazi Resistance
Discover Kadinjača Memorial Complex in Zlatiborski okrug, Serbia: A grand Yugoslav memorial to the group of partisans who fought and died resisting western Serbia’s Nazi occupation.
A Shipwrecked Column, Resurfaced
After spending more than a century on the ocean floor, the Vanier Park Column is finally resting atop solid ground.