The ghostly faces carved onto the corners of this Newbury Street building hint at its religious history.
Year: 2017
The Original Prototype of London’s Iconic Telephone Box
The wooden model phone booth is tucked away in Piccadilly Circus in the same spot it was originally placed.
Tompkins Square Temperance Fountain
Discover Tompkins Square Temperance Fountain in New York, New York: A reminder to choose water over wine since 1888.
A Statue of the Second-Tallest Dutchman, Ever
The "Giant of Rotterdam" was over 7.5 feet tall when he died.
Hidden Tile Room Under the U.S. Capitol
In the basement of the Capitol Building is a storage room full of ornate floor tiles leftover from the 1850s.
London’s Pet Cemetery for Military Animals
The final resting place of 13 recipients of the Dickin Medal, a war medal for animals established during WWII.
One of the Oldest Residential Streets in America
Philadelphia residents have lived along on this charming colonial pathway since 1706.
The U.S. Naval Observatory’s Enviable Astronomical Library
Discover U.S. Naval Observatory Library in Washington, D.C.: A hoard of sky catalogs, astrophysical journals, even the works of Galileo and Copernicus.
Bridgnorth Cliff Railway
Discover Bridgnorth Cliff Railway in Bridgnorth, England: This charming railway is one of the oldest and steepest funiculars in England.
A Vast Collection of WWII Artifacts Unearthed By a Father-Son Duo
They began by exploring their region in the Philippines, which was the site of a key battle.
The U.S. Army’s Huge Tank Stockpile in the California Desert
The Sierra Depot is one of the largest fleets of armored vehicles in the world.
Behold the Bird Cannon at Reagan National Airport
Discover Reagan National Airport Bird Cannon in Arlington, Virginia: The system of air guns are fired off remotely to scare any trespassing avians.
Red Terror Martyrs’ Memorial Museum
Discover Red Terror Martyrs' Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A powerful tribute to the victims who suffered under Ethiopia's most devastating regime.
Fell’s Point Maritime Museum
Discover Fell's Point Maritime Museum in Baltimore, Maryland: A collection of artifacts from Maryland's maritime past.
Great Train Story Diorama
Discover Great Train Story Diorama in Chicago, Illinois: This $3 million model train takes you through Chicago, Seattle, and the thousands of miles in between.
Werawsana Jade Pagoda
Discover Werawsana Jade Pagoda in Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma): The tower claims to be the world's only pagoda made entirely from Myanmar's lucrative gemstone.
Traverse the Tree-Lined Streets of this Japanese Seaside Village
The narrow sandy paths are fringed with verdant fukugi trees.
Nancy Holt’s Rock Rings
Discover Rock Rings in Bellingham, Washington: The cardinal directions, set in stone.
The Northernmost City in the World
In Longyearbyen, it's illegal to be buried because it’s too cold for bodies to decompose.
People Still Live in These Ancient Cave Houses in Italy
The cave dwellings of Sassi di Matera have been inhabited since the Neolithic era.