Discover Bispetorvet Dinosaur Footprint in Aarhus, Denmark: A public display of random paleontology.
Year: 2017
Secret WWII Bunker Under a Busy Paris Railway Station
The subterranean shelter is believed to have been used during World War II.
Wat Tham Ta Pan
Discover Wat Tham Ta Pan in Tambon Tham Nam Phut, Thailand: Grotesque statues of figures from Buddhist hell haunt the temple's Sin Park.
Behold The U.S. Government’s Million-Pound Deadweight Machine
It's the largest in the world.
Mary Hadfield Watt Memorial
Discover Mary Hadfield Watt Memorial in Tampa, Florida: A seemingly inexplicable memorial honors a beloved Tampa fruit-seller.
Che Guevara Scrap Metal Statue
Discover Ernesto Che Guevara Statue in El Alto, Bolivia: This likeness of the famous revolutionary is entirely made of recycled scraps of metal.
Ruins of the Odd Fellows Home
Discover Odd Fellows Home in Liberty, Missouri: The ruins of a 19th century shelter run by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
The Mother of Polkagris, Sweden’s Iconic Sweet
Amalia Eriksson created the minty confection at a time when women weren't allowed to own businesses.
The Hungry Tree
Discover The Hungry Tree in Dublin, Ireland: An 80-year-old plane tree is devouring an iron bench at Ireland's oldest law school.
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial
The site now honors its victims.
The Medieval Castle Built for the Pope’s Secretive Knights Templar
A magnificent castle overlooks the river Nabão, built in 1160 as a headquarters for the Knights Templar.
Thousands of Orchids Are Growing Underneath Kansas City
A cave 150 feet deep is the perfect climate for the delicate flowers.
A Texas Landowner Spelled Out His Name With Three Miles of Trees
Because everything is bigger in Texas.
The Great Danube River Starts Here
From this humble blue pool the great river flows 1,700 miles, through 10 countries, all the way to the Black Sea.
The World’s Largest Artificial Prawn
There's nothing shrimpy about it.
The Memphis Landmark Where Artists Made Merry
Performers like Aretha Franklin, Chuck Berry, and Ray Charles would make their way to Earnestine & Hazel’s for cheap neck bones, hog maws, and more booze and dancing.
M.I.A.U. (Unfinished Museum of Urban Art)
Discover M.I.A.U. (Unfinished Museum of Urban Art) in Fanzara, Spain: The streets of a sleepy Spanish town proudly exhibit some of the world's finest graffiti.
Hamilton Grange
Discover Hamilton Grange in New York, New York: The only home that Alexander Hamilton ever owned has a history almost as troubled as his own.
Belching Geothermal Mud Volcanoes By the Salton Sea
These mudpots announce themselves with gurgling gray bubbles from short sludge volcanoes.
Spanish Inquisition Torture Museum
A display of torture devices used in the Inquisition and other scourges of medieval Europe.