Discover Stoney Lonesome Cemetery in Lorton, Virginia: A small, forgotten prison cemetery marked only by a wrought-iron fence and eerie depressions left in the ground.
Archives: Atlas Obscuras
Waiānuenue (Rainbow Falls)
Discover Waiānuenue (Rainbow Falls) in Hilo, Hawaii: This legendary urban waterfall creates a dazzling display of rainbows.
Baptistery of Neon
Discover Baptistery of Neon in Ravenna, Italy: Psychoanalyst Carl Jung reported a paranormal experience after visiting this mosaic-lined Roman baptistry.
Discover Gatorama in Palmdale, Florida: Get up close with some alligators at this roadside farm attraction.
Statue of Juan Godoy
Discover Statue of Juan Godoy in Copiapó, Chile: A monument of the man who spurred Copiapó's silver mining industry.
Kaohsiung National Stadium
Discover Kaohsiung National Stadium in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan: This dragon-shaped sports arena is the world’s largest solar-powered stadium.
‘The Ambassadors’
Discover 'The Ambassadors' in London, England: A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
Jack Kerouac Park
Discover Jack Kerouac Park in Lowell, Massachusetts: A monument park dedicated to the influential Beat Generation author and poet, Jack Kerouac.
Arian Baptistry
Discover Arian Baptistry in Ravenna, Italy: A medieval, mosaic-lined baptistry built by a heretical Christian sect.
Pesapuu Watchtower
Discover Pesapuu Watchtower in Rõuge, Estonia: This Estonian watchtower looks like a big tree with two giant bird nests on it, complete with a "golden egg.".
Georgetown Castle
Discover Georgetown Castle in Seattle, Washington: An allegedly haunted mansion with a tragic, tawdry past.
National Academy of Sciences
Discover National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.: For 60 years, the academy had no permanent location until members voted Washington D.C. as its forever home.
Panteón General (General Cemetery)
Discover Panteón General (General Cemetery) in Oaxaca, Mexico: This graveyard boasts a medley of diverse and imaginative funeral architecture.
Abandoned Fairy Village
Discover Abandoned Fairy Village in Waterbury, Connecticut: A miniature village lies nearly forgotten in the forest by the side of a major highway.
Graffiti Pier (Pier 18)
Discover Graffiti Pier (Pier 18) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The abandoned coal loading dock is a canvas for unsanctioned art.
Bolas de Fuego (Fireball Festival)
Discover Bolas de Fuego (Fireball Festival) in Nejapa, El Salvador: This risky summer festival honors a historic volcanic eruption.
Charing Cross Mural
Discover Charing Cross Mural in London, England: The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
Oasis Bordello Museum
Discover Oasis Bordello Museum in Wallace, Idaho: After this former brothel closed, its interior remained almost frozen in time.
La Silla Observatory
Discover La Silla Observatory in Chile: The Chilean mountain is freckled with (relatively) small European telescopes.
The Betts House
Discover The Betts House in Cincinnati, Ohio: The oldest brick house in the state of Ohio.