Discover The Crooked House in Dudley, England: This pub can leave even the sober feeling slightly unsteady.
Archives: Atlas Obscuras
Gaet’ale Pond
Discover Gaet’ale Pond in Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia: The Earth's saltiest natural body of water belches toxic gas.
Marble Masterpiece
Discover Marble Masterpiece in Gundagai, Australia: A miniature cathedral made of 20,948 tiny pieces of marble.
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex
Discover Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Paddys River, Australia: It's home to the antenna that received the first images of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
Stratford Glockenspiel Clock Tower
Discover Stratford Glockenspiel Clock Tower in Stratford, New Zealand: This mechanical clock performs "Romeo and Juliet" in a Shakespeare-themed New Zealand town.
In Flanders Fields Museum
Discover In Flanders Fields Museum in Ypres, Belgium: This memorial museum chronicles the apocalyptic destruction of the First World War.
Vanocni dum
Discover Vanocni dum in Karlovy Vary, Czechia: A mansion where wonders of Christmas are celebrated all year long.
Last Chance Joe
Discover Last Chance Joe in Sparks, Nevada: The colossal cartoon man stands outside a Nevada museum.
Maya Crosses of Romerillo Cemetery
Discover Maya Crosses of Romerillo Cemetery in Romerillo, Mexico: This isolated Maya cemetery in Chiapas is distinguished by its towering, colorful wooden crosses.
Crepe Vending Machine
Discover Crepe Vending Machine in Kobayashi, Japan: Ever needed a chocolate-filled crepe in the wee hours of the morning?
The Tower of the Storks
Discover Torre de las Cigüeñas (Tower of the Storks) in Cáceres, Spain: The tallest tower in Cáceres's Old Town.
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)
Discover Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: One of the world's most advanced radio observatories sprawls across the Atacama Desert.
L.H. Selman Glass Gallery
Discover L.H. Selman Glass Gallery in Chicago, Illinois: Over 1,000 pieces of one of the most niche art objects imaginable: the glass paperweight.
Proyecto Público Prim (Public Project Prim)
Discover Proyecto Público Prim (Public Project Prim) in Mexico City, Mexico: This once-abandoned mansion is now a dreamy event space.
The Selfie Devil
Discover The Selfie Devil in Segovia, Spain: A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.
Big Apple Time Capsule
Discover Big Apple Time Capsule in Martinsburg, West Virginia: A giant time capsule not scheduled to be cored until 2040.
Civil War Bunkers of Alto del León
Discover Civil War Bunkers of Alto del León in Guadarrama, Spain: These Bullet-scarred bunkers are haunting reminders of the Spanish Civil War.
Puente la Bellaca (La Bellaca Bridge)
Discover Puente la Bellaca (La Bellaca Bridge) in Quebradillas, Puerto Rico: This former railroad bridge was named after the great river that once flowed below it.
This Frankfurt Subway Station’s Entrance Looks Like a Train Wreck
It's like the Hulk picked up a tram car and rammed it front-first into the sidewalk.
The Big Dish
Discover The Big Dish in Acton, Australia: With a surface area of nearly 500 square meters, welcome to the world's largest paraboloidal dish solar concentrator.