Discover Graybar Rats in New York, New York: Rat sculptures try to infiltrate the Graybar Building in an architectural tribute to New York City's nautical history.
Year: 2017
DEVIL-ish Little Things Museum
Discover DEVIL-ish Little Things Museum in Vancouver, Washington: A whimsical menagerie of devils, krampuses, satyrs, and other horned creatures.
Sharpshooter’s Tree
Discover Sharpshooter's Tree in Washington, D.C.: A diminutive plaque recalls the treetop sniper who almost killed Abe Lincoln.
Two Dozen Tanks Are Rusting In an Open Field for Unknown Reasons
It all seems pretty hush-hush, at least as hush-hush as 24 tanks can be.
Witness the Grisly Spectacle of Bears Testing a Cooler
It's kind of like the scene in The Revenant, but bloodless.
Heald Square Monument’s Statue of Liberty
Discover Heald Square Monument's Statue of Liberty in Chicago, Illinois: The iconic Chicago sculpture hides a beautiful and easily overlooked plaque on the backside.
A Fake D.C. Metro Station in Georgia
Discover Fake D.C. Metro Station in Perry, Georgia: Military and first responders can test their skills in a Foggy Bottom mock station down in Georgia.
The Capitol Flag Elevator Flies American Flags in Bulk “Over the U.S. Capitol”
America's Congressional Flag Program is a little less glamorous than it seems.
The Mecca of West Africa
The Larabanga Mosque is the oldest in all of Ghana, possibly in all of West Africa.
Here Stands A Heroine Of Ukraine
Tatyana Markus was personally responsible for the death of several key Nazi operatives whom she deceived using a false identity.
A Dutch Valhalla for Cactus and Succulent Lovers
Trompenburg Gardens and Arboretum is a well-hidden green secret.
Chicago’s Premier Prohibition-Era Jazz Club Is Still Running
A century of world-famous musicians and American mobsters alike have rolled through this club.
Do the Right Thing Way
Spike Lee's provocative film is officially honored right where it was made.
FDR’s Bomb Shelter
Discover FDR's Bomb Shelter in Washington, D.C.: The first presidential bomb shelter was located in an old vault under the Treasury, connected to the White House via tunnel.
A Historic Neighborhood Where Cars Park on the Sidewalks
Cars in this old steel industry company town park on the sidewalks so the people can walk in the narrow streets.
No One Knows Who Painted This Mysterious Mural in a Penn State Basement
It is unknown when or by whom the painting was made, but this strangely beautiful mural exists nevertheless.
The Spitting Boy Fountain
Discover Schängelbrunnen in Koblenz, Germany: This fountain of a little boy that spits on passersby at erratic intervals is a town icon.
The Red House
Discover Villa de Vecchi in Cortenova, Italy: The abandoned "Ghost Mansion" was left to decay in the mountains of Northern Italy.
The Soviet Embassy’s Virginia ‘Summer Camp’ was a Painfully Obvious Spy House
It was conveniently located within binocular range of a U.S. nuclear bunker outside Washington.
A Giant Steel Sculpture With Animals In Its Shadows
The sculpture projects the shapes of plants and animals on the ground when the sun hits it at the right angle.