The deserted mining village now resembles a post-apocalyptic landscape of derelict buildings and blood-red pools of water.
Year: 2017
A Victorian-Style Dime Museum in Wisconsin
The Wondertorium features weird entertainments of yesteryear, from feejee mermaids to flea circuses.
Kolossi Castle
Discover Kolossi Castle in Kolossi, Cyprus: This 700-year-old Cyprus castle is the birthplace of the world's oldest wine, said to be toasted by Richard the Lionheart at his wedding.
This Poor Little Statue Is the Most Vandalized Memorial in Washington
Washington, D.C.'s Meridian Hill Park has been dubbed the “Death Valley of statuary.”
Cheetah Sanctuary in Cape Town, South Africa
Visitors to this endangered animal rescue can snuggle cheetah cubs.
The Coffee Pot
Discover The Coffee Pot in Lexington, Virginia: The oddly shaped, steam-spewing building is now an art studio and gallery.
Public School 972
Discover Public School 972 in Dallas, Texas: A school-themed restaurant where gastronomy is the core curriculum.
The Troll Hole
Discover The Troll Hole in Alliance, Ohio: A record-size collection of wild-haired troll dolls tells the story of the mythical creature's roots in Scandinavian folklore.
The Cracking Buildings of Staufen
A geothermal energy project gone wrong is fracturing the city's picturesque architecture.
The Washington Monument Changes Color a Third of the Way Up
Look closely and you'll notice a faint marble stripe.
The Bullet-Banged Armour of Australia’s Most Famous Outlaw
After Ned Kelly's capture and execution the makeshift suit of armour was taken by police as souvenirs.
Newstead Abbey
Discover Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire, England: The ancestral home of beloved English poet Lord Byron has a bizarre history.
Le Museé du Jouet (Toy Museum)
Discover Le Museé du Jouet (Toy Museum) in Brussels, Belgium: A huge old mansion full of thousands of toys, each there to be used and played with.
The Shallow Streams That Fooled the Nazis
A blunder led German intelligence to believe the Linby Docks were crucial to British war efforts.
Caddo Lake
Discover Caddo Lake in Karnack, Texas: Foragers once flocked to this big beautiful bayou to hunt for pearls.
Bovington Tank Range
Discover Bovington Tank Range in Dorset, England: A popular day's outing in Bovington consists of watching military tank driving practice.
The Most Colorful Cemetery in Guatemala
Where death is celebrated with a rainbow of pigments.
Bison at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park
America's national mammal, once endangered, is staging a slow comeback in Ohio's prairie parkland.
Second Avenue Subway Art
Discover Second Avenue Subway Art in New York, New York: Beautiful mosaics cover the first stations opened on New York City's newest subway line.
Transpeninsular Midpoint Marker
Discover Transpeninsular Midpoint Marker in Delmar, Maryland: The stone marker that Mason and Dixon placed at the eastern end of the famous north-south border they surveyed.