Discover Carousel of Extinct and Endangered Animals in Paris, France: Known as the "Dodo Manège," this carousel features a herd of animals that have disappeared—or may be gone soon.
Archives: Atlas Obscuras
Statue of Death of the University of Medicine
Discover Statue of Death of the University of Medicine in Paris, France: Statue of death tucked in the University of Medicine courtyard.
Musée Carnavalet
Discover Musée Carnavalet in Paris, France: A museum on the history of Paris, including a set of Napoleon's toiletries, Proust's room, and relics of the Revolution.
Musée Curie
Discover Musée Curie in Paris, France: The history of radiation is on safe display at the foot of a radiation science laboratory.
Parc Monceau
Discover Parc Monceau in Paris, France: The ruins of a Duke's bucolic dream, where camels once roamed alongside "Dutch" windmills and faux-Italian vineyards.
Montparnasse Cemetery
Discover Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris, France: A Parisian cemetery where the elite and artistic are interred beneath an eccentric collection of tombs.
Musée de Cluny
Discover Musée de Cluny in Paris, France: Medieval museum built over Roman baths that features famous tapestries of a lady and a unicorn.
Musée de la Vie Romantique
Discover Musée de la Vie Romantique in Paris, France: Down a cobblestone alleyway is a museum dedicated to Romanticism, with a secret garden.
Au Bonheur du Jour
Discover Au Bonheur du Jour in Paris, France: Behind the pink curtain, Au Bonheur du Jour, an art gallery of erotic archives.
Le Louxor Palais du Cinema
Discover Le Louxor Palais du Cinema in Paris, France: Egyptian Revival movie palace abandoned for decades and restored in 2013.
Remnants of the Paris Guillotine
Discover Remnants of the Paris Guillotine in Paris, France: Indents in the pavement are all that remain from a grisly death machine in Paris.
Dans le Noir?
Discover Dans le Noir? in Paris, France: "In the Dark" Restaurant in Paris offers dinner in complete darkness.
Salvador Dalí Sundial
Discover Salvador Dalí Sundial in Paris, France: A surrealist timepiece by the artist of melting clocks.
Foucault’s Pendulum
Discover Foucault's Pendulum in Paris, France: 19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Statue of Liberty, Pont de Grenelle
Discover Statue of Liberty, Pont de Grenelle in Paris, France: This statue was given to France by the United States to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution.
Musee de la Magie
Discover Musee de la Magie in Paris, France: A museum of magic with a Sadist past.
The Gravestone Courtyard of Paris
Discover The Gravestone Courtyard in Paris, France: Walk upon the mementos of the dead in this Parisian courtyard paved with medieval tombstones.
Musée des Arts et Métiers
Discover Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris, France: France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy
Discover Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy in Paris, France: This museum houses an imposing skeleton army comprised of creatures great and small.
Centre Pompidou
Discover Centre Pompidou in Paris, France: An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.