Discover Panteón Francés de La Piedad in Mexico City, Mexico: This French cemetery houses some of the most exquisite examples of funerary art in Mexico City.
Archives: Atlas Obscuras
Boy Scout Memorial
Discover Boy Scout Memorial in Washington, D.C.: The innocent intentions of this monument are somewhat lost in the sculpture's muscled imagery.
Montpelier Horse Cemetery
Discover Montpelier Horse Cemetery in Montpelier Station, Virginia: The grave of a champion Thoroughbred hides within the former presidential estate.
Carpetana Metro Station Museum
Discover Carpetana Metro Station Museum in Madrid, Spain: Replicas of fossils unearthed during renovation work reveal how this area would have looked millions of years ago.
Montana Vortex and House of Mystery
Discover Montana Vortex and House of Mystery in Columbia Falls, Montana: A classic mystery spot complete with spots that are said to make you shrink or grow when you stand on them.
Ringfort Relic
Discover Ringfort Relic in Walsh Island, Ireland: An unassuming historical marker for an iron age fort leads you to an oddly adorned cemetery for unbaptized children.
Museum of Natural History and Ethnography
Discover Museum of Natural History and Ethnography in Colmar, France: A charming little museum founded by the designer of the Statue of Liberty.
Manuel M. Villada Museum of Natural History
Discover Manuel M. Villada Museum of Natural History in Toluca, Mexico: The mummies of a fake priest and bandit's wife are among the abundant curiosities at this museum.
Llotja de Sant Jordi
Discover Llotja de Sant Jordi in Alcoi, Spain: This exhibition space designed to look like the skeleton of a whale is hidden underground.
Lost World Caverns
Discover Lost World Caverns in Lewisburg, West Virginia: Home of a 28-foot tall stalagmite known as the War Club.
Weathervane Restaurant Boulder Fireplace
Discover Weathervane Restaurant Boulder Fireplace in Charlevoix, Michigan: In the main dining room, a nine-ton boulder caps the fireplace designed by local architect Earl Young.
Quantum Cloud
Discover Quantum Cloud in London, England: Sculptor Antony Gormley used chaos theory and fractal growth to design his tallest creation.
The ‘Scribble’
Discover The 'Scribble' in London, England: A giant scrawl on the skyline of south London.
The Fort of Valour
Discover Pratapgad Fort in Mahabaleshwar, India: This fortress played a key role in the battle that would ultimately give rise to the Maratha Empire.
Milner Field Ruins
Discover Milner Field Ruins in Bingley, England: A lavish Victorian mansion wound up inheriting a gruesome reputation that would be its demise.
Camp Grayling Military Cemetery
Discover Camp Grayling Military Cemetery in Grayling, Michigan: At the top of a local ski mountain is a hidden cemetery containing the graves of just two soldiers.
Gap of Dunloe
Discover Gap of Dunloe in Dunloe Upper, Ireland: Traveling this mountain pass reveals quaint stone buildings, stunning Irish scenery, and a bridge said to grant wishes.
Neidpath Train Tunnel
Discover Neidpath Train Tunnel in Peebles, Scotland: An abandoned, desolate train tunnel that was used during World War II.
Johnny Angel’s Ginchy Stuff
Discover Johnny Angel's Ginchy Stuff in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: One Pittsburgh musician's decades-in-the-making memorabilia collection is on display at this rock-n-roll curio shop.
Topolski’s ‘Memoir of the Century’
Discover Topolski's 'Memoir of the Century' in London, England: Tucked inside a South Bank bar is an epic expressionist chronicle of the 20th century.