Negev Desert Embroidery and Weaving

Discover Negev Desert Embroidery and Weaving in Laqiya, Israel: Traditional Bedouin crafting has become an official tourist site and successful industry for its female craftspeople.

Honey Bee Hive House

Discover Honey Bee Hive House in East Jerusalem, Israel: A geometric jumble of homes in Jerusalem.

Meah Shearim

Discover Meah Shearim in Jerusalem, Israel: Neighborhood in Jerusalem is home to the ultra-orthodox haredim.

Jerusalem’s Ancient Tunnel

Discover Siloam Tunnel in East Jerusalem, Israel: An ancient tunnel in Jerusalem built to redirect water in the event of a siege is one of history’s great architectural innovations.

Ades Synagogue

Discover Ades Synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel: This "Jewish Sistine Chapel" was designed to reinvigorate Judaism's artistic legacy but was almost lost to misguided restoration.

Saba’s Little Museum

Discover Saba's Little Museum in Jerusalem, Israel: Through a collection of modern bric-a-brac this museum tells the story of the Jewish people from Biblical times to today.

Tisch Family Zoological Park

Discover Tisch Family Zoological Park in Jerusalem, Israel: Biblical beasts and endangered animal preservation come together in this Israeli zoo.

The Carmelit

Discover The Carmelit in Haifa, Israel: This subterranean funicular is one of the world's smallest subways.

The Mifletzet

Discover The Mifletzet in Jerusalem, Israel: This nightmarish children's plaything was left grotesque to help kids conquer their fear.

Tel Hazor

Discover Tel Hazor in Ayelet HaShahar, Israel: A Biblically notable site over the ruins of an ancient city that is now a protected World Heritage site.

Dead Sea Sinkholes

Discover Dead Sea Sinkholes in Ein Gedi, Israel: As the Dead Sea continues to deplete, massive sinkholes open along its banks.

Makhtesh Ramon

Discover Makhtesh Ramon in Ramat Negev Regional Council, Israel: A massive, heart-shaped, wind-carved crater in the middle of the Israeli desert.


Discover Akhzivland in Nahariya, Israel: The most peaceful "country" in the Middle East.

Museum On The Seam

Discover Museum On The Seam in Jerusalem, Israel: Sitting right on the border between East and West Jerusalem this modern art museum is in itself a symbol of Israel's hoped-for unity.

Zedekiah’s Cave

Discover Zedekiah's Cave in East Jerusalem, Israel: An ancient quarry rediscovered by a dog and claimed by biblical kings, a German cult, and the Freemasons.

Shrine of the Book

Discover Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem, Israel: The home of the Dead Sea Scrolls is an abstract modernist dream.


To represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
To exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design.
To bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared.
To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history.
To be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals.
To be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change.
To be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria).
To contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
To be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features.
To contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.