Discover Ecokathedraal in Mildam, Netherlands: Nestled in the woods lies this land art project: a hybrid between park, maze and natural monument.
Archives: Atlas Obscuras
Discover Hagendenkmal in Worms, Germany: A statue dedicated to the antihero of the Nibelung legend.
Parque Masayoshi Ohira (Masayoshi Ohira Park)
Discover Parque Masayoshi Ohira (Masayoshi Ohira Park) in Mexico City, Mexico: This Japanese-inspired park showcases the city's peculiar trends for naming features after foreign rulers.
Mary Randolph Gravesite
Discover Mary Randolph Gravesite in Arlington, Virginia: Recorded as the first person buried in Arlington Cemetery.
Socrates Sculpture Park
Discover Socrates Sculpture Park in Queens, New York: This outdoor gallery of sculptures along the East River was once a landfill.
Aldeia Artística (Artistic Village)
Discover Aldeia Artística (Artistic Village) in Barrenta, Portugal: The walls of this small village have been turned into a living street art gallery.
St. Rumbold’s Cathedral
Discover St. Rumbold's Cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium: The tallest church in Mechelen might have been the tallest in the world if not for a lack of funds.
Gympie Bone Museum
Discover Gympie Bone Museum in Araluen, Australia: Australia's first and only museum dedicated exclusively to bones.
Palazzo della Vittoria
Discover Palazzo della Vittoria in Turin, Italy: This building was designed to celebrate Italy's victory in World War I.
Museo Nacional de Cartografía
Discover Museo Nacional de Cartografía in Mexico City, Mexico: This museum dedicated to cartography is housed in a former 17th-century convent.
Bow & Arrow Brewing Co.
Discover Bow & Arrow Brewing Co. in Albuquerque, New Mexico: Owned by Native American women, this brewery is a celebration of indigenous culture in the American Southwest.
Null Island
Discover Null Island in : A busy island at the center of the world that doesn’t actually exist.
Toys of Eros
Discover Toys of Eros in Provincetown, Massachusetts: This stimulating sex toy museum is sure to arouse the interest of its visitors.
Fortaleza de Juromenha
Discover Fortaleza de Juromenha in Almoinhos, Portugal: This abandoned fortress still stands guard over the Guadiana River despite a history of warfare.
Forgotten World Highway
Discover Forgotten World Highway in Whangamōmona, New Zealand: This remote highway took over 50 years to build.
Posada el Castillo
Discover Posada el Castillo in Xilitla, Mexico: The former home of surrealist Edward James, who gave Xilitla its main attraction.
Harewood Lodge
Discover Harewood Lodge in Washington, D.C.: One of the first Second Empire-style buildings constructed in North America.
The Spite Wall
Discover The Spite Wall in Westminster, Massachusetts: One man built this massive wall to keep his neighbor from complaining about working on Sundays.
Eyegore’s Odditorium and Monster Museum
Discover Eyegore's Odditorium and Monster Museum in Cawker City, Kansas: Strange happenings await those visiting this monster and oddities-themed gift shop.
Grave of Billy the Kid
Discover Grave of Billy the Kid in Fort Sumner, New Mexico: The final resting place of the most famous outlaw in the Old West.